The Rule for Disconnection and Reconnection, approved by ERO, outlines the circumstances under which consumers may be disconnected from the electrical network.

In this regard, consumers will be charged a net fee of 15 euros, which, including VAT, amounts to 17.7 euros. This fee is stipulated by the Methodology of Connection Taxes in the Distribution Network, also approved by ERO.

This information will be communicated to all consumers in the reading bills distributed this month. The legal deadlines for paying these invoices are specified in the reading invoices. Any delay beyond this date, in the case of regular and undisputed billing processes, means that the customer may face disconnection from the electricity network.

Disconnections are not based on the amount of debt but on the specific bill's payment deadline. Therefore, it pertains to a time period rather than a specific debt amount.

The implementation of this fee serves as an incentive for timely payment of electricity bills by our consumers and covers operational and procedural costs associated with network disconnections, which incur additional expenses, time, and administrative resources for the company.

To avoid these additional operational costs, KEDS urges all consumers to adhere to the legal deadlines for paying their electricity bills from the previous period.