About a hundred new poles of medium and low voltage wind through the streets of Topliçan in Lipjan. The 5-kilometer branch line has already been completed, as has a large portion of the conductors and substations.

All this massive work is being carried out within the investment project that KEDS is carrying out for the 800 inhabitants of that village. "It was not in a good condition at all. Now it has completely changed", say the people of Toplica.

In addition to the electrical network, to increase the capacity of the electricity supply, a new transformer will also be installed there.

This KEDS project reaches a cost of over 150,000 euros and is expected to be completed as soon. Even in these cold winter days, work is being done with high intensity.

With the implementation of this project, our customers in that area will have stable electricity supply and network security. The current network, which is a legacy network in poor condition, has been mobilized and maintained by the KEDS Maintenance teams until now, and will be removed once the same is finished.

KEDS is investing heavily in the entire territory of the country.

Only during the year 2023, around 400 projects have been implemented throughout Kosovo, from which hundreds of thousands of Kosovo residents have benefited. Whereas, in the 10 years of the company's existence, over 200 million euros have been invested, which has advanced the distribution network to a more advanced stage. This enables KEDS to distribute sustainable, safe energy, i.e. more advanced services, elements that also make up the company's mission.