Vjosa Berisha was very active in the 10th-generation KEDS Academy lectures that are continuing this spring. She was saying to Professor Necati Aras, who had just come from Bogazici University to lecture about Digital Transformation.

"I am very happy to be part of this academy. It is helping me a lot in my professional advancement, as I study in the same field", says Vjosa enthusiastically.

Jetesa Veselaj, the other student of KEDS Academy, was also quite focused and willing to gain new knowledge. "We live in the digital age, therefore digitization is the need of our times. The more knowledge we have in this field, the more prepared we are for our future", says Jetesa.

Meanwhile, the pupils of KEDS Academy have mainly focused on safety at work by holding theoretical lectures on energy losses and practice from KEDS trainers, Shukri Aliu and Izja Mjeku.